
Showing posts from November, 2018

Paper 12 Presentation

To Evaluate my Presentation click here , Paper 12 Presentation from Bhatt Heerva

Paper 11 Presentation

To Evaluate my Presentation click here , Paper 11 Presentation from Bhatt Heerva

Paper 10 Presentation

To Evaluate my Presentation click here, Paper 10 Presentation from Bhatt Heerva

Paper 9 Presentation

To Evaluate my Presentation click here , Paper 9 Presentation from Bhatt Heerva

Assignment Paper 12

To Evaluate my assignment  click here , Name :Heerva Bhatt Course : M.A. Sem.3 Paper no. :12 (English Language Teaching ) Roll no. : 12 Topic :The Various approaches in second language learning. Batch :2017-2019 Email Id : Submitted to : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English, Bhavnagar .                                     The different teaching approaches in this post can be classified into four theoretical orientations: structural, cognitive, psychological and functional. Let’s look at each perspective briefly. • Structural                                     Structural approaches believe that language can be reduced to a learnable set of building blocks. There are rules, known as grammar and syntax, that govern how to combine these basic elements. These rules can be memorized to achieve a high level of proficiency in a language.                     Some proponents would even go so far as saying that there’s a predetermined sequence in which

Assignment 11

To Evaluate my assignment click here , Name :Heerva Bhatt Course :M.A.(Sem.3) Roll No. :12 Paper No.: 11(The Post Colonial Literature) Topic : ‘The Nature of blackness is within the mind.’-Justify with the reference of Frantz Fanon’s “Black skin,White Mask.” Batch :2017-2019 Email Id Submitted To :Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English,Bhavanagar.                     Introduction :                  In “ Black skin,White Mask” by Frantz Fanon combines autobiography, case study, philosophy, and psychoanalytic theory in order to describe and analyszse the experience of Black men and women in white-controlledsocieties. He is especially interested in the experience of Black people from French-colonized ilands in the Caribbean, like himself, who have come to live in France themselves. He explores how these people are encouraged by a racist society to want to become white, but then experience serious psychological problms because they aren

Assignment 10

To Evaluate my assignment click here ,    Name :Heerva Bhatt Course :M.A.(Sem.3) Roll No. :12 Paper No.:10 (The American Literature) Topic :Poe's Heroes as villains. Batch :2017-2019 Email Id Submitted To :Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English,Bhavanagar. Edger Allan Poe’s Heroes as Villains    Introduction:                    Edger Allan Poe is a famous American writer, who is renowned for his ‘horror and mystery’ tales. He is not only short-story writer, but his poetry is also well-appreciated. Even the language of his short-stories is poetic and musical. Poe’s stories are about murder, revenge, insanity, torture and adventure. His gothic stories are too famous that many modern movies take an idea from his stories. His stories have mystery and secret that reader cannot put aside his interest and reading. His stories like “Berenice” is horror story about teeth, “The Black Cat” is a tale of a Cat, “The Cask of Amontillado” i

Assignment Paper 9 The Modernist Literature

To Evaluate my assignment click here ,  Name : Heerva Bhatt Course : M.A. (Sem.3) Paper No.:9 (The Modernist Literature ) Roll No. :12 Topic : "Waiting for Godot " with Religious interpretations.  Batch :2017-2019 Email Id : Submitted to :Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English, Bhavnagar.  Introduction:                           Samuel Beckett is a famous Irish dramatist and novelist. “Waiting for Godot” is his master piece. The play is one of the classic works of theatre of absurd. It is  drama whi ch multidimensional with  has many interpretations. The play seems absurd but with a deep religious meaning. Though the play commonly interpreted within the context of the theatre of absurd, existentialist literature, it is also Christian allegory and also interpreted with religious interpretations.                The play has very strong evidences of theory of existentialism, but still, it can be related with many other reli