Online Disscation on 'Dryden'

1. First video makes clear why Dryden considers as 'Father of English criticism and his definition of play. Dilip sir asks few questions that why Dr Samuel Johnson called Dryden father of English criticism? In which way he is Neo classical critic? How does he differs from the classical tradition? We shold have also arise these questions. Dr Mukherjee beautifully clarifies that questions. He mentions Phillip Sidney and says that he was renaissance man in more senses than one, apart him Dryden's definition is more general. About Dryden's definition Dr Mukherjee says that we can break definition in three parts, first is lively image of human nature, second is it represents passions and humor and changes of fortune, and third is it's purpose is give delight and instructions to mankind. WE can understand it by this way. Then Dr Mukherjee also differs Dryden's definition from Aristotle's definition. He says, according to Aristotle tragedy ends with catharsis, but according to Dryden play ends with delight and instruction. It is realism which makes him apart from Aristotle. So, by this video definition of Dryden about play can understand very clearly.

2. The second video is about john Dryden the poet and critic and the title of an essay of Dramatic poesy. Also we had seen that Dryden is a poet, how come felt the urge for showing us as a critic and producing an Essay on dramatic poesy and how can we connect these two “Poet” & “critic” Phenomenon and why? Dryden is a neoclassical poet, as a poet he realize that he needed a kind of a sanitized well tested kind advice or model before him which justifies as against the Elizabethans practice current age and himself and also felt that neoclassicism is sometimes off into the dark alleys of fundamentalism or needles which have cramping effects. Dryden’s essay on dramatic poesy is because h himself wrote drama and to prepare a critical position. The dramatic poesy means ‘the political art for drama’. Dramatic poesy is not looking only back to the past, it’s also on effort to temper and moderate the co-practitioners of the dramatic art of Dryden’s own time.

3. Third video throws more light on definition of play. Dr M.B. Gaijan suggests two points to keep in mind. First is play ought to be just lively , it means no artificiality or consciousness. Second is representation of human nature is also important. Here Dr Trivedi asks that can you find difference between delight and pleasure? Answer by Dr Gaijan was pleasure may be sensual, delight may be divine. After delight have a feeling of peace.

4. In this video speakers argues about superiority of ancients and moderns. In beginning Dr Bhattacharya argues do we need to follow only ancients? modern drama is better because person can roam between tragedy and comedy. and it is truth of life.

5.The fifth video is about the controversy regarding use and avoidance of Rhymes in Dryden’s essay. The debate between crite and Neander. First of all talks about Dryden’s and crite style of writing. Neander support serious writing plays tragedy. Dryden’s most famous play all for love is not in verse and at last Neander advocating rhyme and verse.

6. In this video we see that the argument between crites and Neander about the use of 'Rhymed versr' and 'Blank verse'. In the play Gaijansir said that rhyme is unnatural in the play. And answrer of this argument Pandya sir said that when you read something, it is appears your sense of vision, sense of listing, there is no point of view for unnatural.


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