Assignment 7

To Evaluate my assignment click here, Name :-Heerva Bhatt Course :-M.A. (sem.2) Paper no :-7 (Literary theory and criticism ) Roll no. :-11 Topic:-Rasa Theory In "Abhigyanshakuntalam "by Kalidas. Batch :-2017-2019 Email Id Submitted to :-Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English, Bhavnagar. ■ Introduction of Rasa theory: The Rasa theory originates with Bharata in Natyasashtra. it has finds its root in vedic period in Atharvaveda (200BC – 100BC). It suggests that every object and meaning has an emotional effect which diverts human mind with its experience and controls the heart and mind of human. Bharata has described all the emotions and state of mind differently, he has analysed the structure of that emotions, and expressed his views upon the relations of that emotions and their effect on human’s being with the literary context. ...