Assignment 15
Name:Heerva Bhatt
Paper:Mass Communications and Media Studies
Roll No:
Topic : Social Media for Educational purpose
Submitted To: Department of English.
Media plays a vital role in today's world. Printing of Newspapers, Periodicals, Radio ,Television, Internet- computer, mobile etc. are very effectiveto make or mar the society, at large.All of these or any one of these can impress the people very silently and yet very effectively .
New generation of 21st century is very lucky that way.They can have so much of information from media that they get as much as they want from each and every corner of the world.But this also createshard task for them to get correct - unbiased - scintific, detailed information for their own-problem.Abudence of information - right or wrong, bias or unbiased- makes their task more difficult. Because false information, incomplete information, propaganda based information are making their choice more difficult. And yet information -technology is advancing by leaps and jumps !!
Ø What is Media?
Media is a Powerful weapon.It can easily impress the people and Society at large.Mainly there is 'Medium is the message'. We may understand the media process as shown below :
A person is giving a message to another person,and between two the message is communicated.The Decoding of message is very important.This decoding depends on medium/message and capability of the receiver.
Mobile and internet are very useful tools for connecting the people Age,Interest,qualification,familiarity and common subject etc also play the role but 3G,4G and Jio-have also played the part to popularize the social media.
Mostly the known and there after unknown but of same interest or of same group members share their views,make chats,opined on the particular issue and exchange the ideas.Some time they discussed the particular topic and thus they educate themselves.
Ø What is Social Media?
Whatsapp,Facebook,Twitter,YouTube etc are commonly used by the mobile-users and these are the tools which are educating the people if they are properly and thoughtfully used.
Face book :-
* What is Face book?
Face book is social utility that connects us with the people, brands and organization.
Face book as a tool for learning and teaching.
It is most visited and used platform of all are communicate and connect with friends, who work, study, live around them. Face book’s mission is to make world more open and connected. Face book is a vital tool for teaching and learning in the 21st century and making education more social. It can be a great tool for teachers for their professional development, providing a safe space for teacher to share their expertise and professional practice within and beyond the walls of the classroom. To use face book as a tool it require a huge potential for teaching and learning because the impact of the teachers and their professional practice is also highly significant. It provide virtual learning environment. (Face book Guide for Educators )
One of my Grand Father's Facebook Friend,regularly put a classical song or a famous filmy song based on Hindustani Raag.His Posts are full of authentic information about the Lyricist, musician , the film or the hero/heroin of the film.They are very interesting too.We may come to know about Film-History of the Indian Cinema.This is education .
Shri Tushar Shukla or Raksha Shukla and Kajal Oza Vaidhya Like Post-Literary Persons-oped our eyes with their fresh expressions and sound knowledge give us a new dimension to a issue.These are examples of imparting education. Some friends put their views in a debatable form.One friend give a weekly-sketch of a person-Generally a young one-less educated but yet with a skill and hard work.He shows us how they are shine out in real life.Another friends give the humorous touch and entertain us with their wisdom and originality.
1. Join Face book group
2. Using Face book groups to share knowledge among students.
3. Face book page for group project work.
4. Using Face book to make friends networking with alumni.
5. FB page to inspire in life skill subjects.
6. Setup event on Face book.
7. Language students can learn different language through group.
8. Collaborate with and learn from other teacher also.
9. Write academic posts with photos and videos
These are the few examples from different social-media-friends which help us to educate ourselves.We can like,can comment or can share them with others and by doing so we ourselves can learn,understand or have better judgement of it.This is Educating ourselves and imparting education to the society at large.
What’s up is another very useful and easy way to learning and teaching social medium. Through what’s up teacher and students can make a group in which they can share very current news, topic related video, G.K etc. Do some kind of project through this tool like project on speaking skill, that how students have fluency in speaking English language then make a group and through audio recorder option students can speak on any topic and then check. So this way some project work also can be done. Make some group only for education purpose and share the all information on it, so this way to share education become very easy to anywhere anytime.
Google Classroom:-
It is very unique classroom than the traditional classroom where teacher and students have to present on the same place while here teacher and students from different countries can connect easily and learn things from teacher. Students can also ask teacher if they have any queries in their mind and teacher also give the answers on this platform.
Blogger provide the big space to share our ideas, views any short or long creative or critical write up like poems, essays, movie or book or play reviews and many other things. It is like digital diary. Through this media we can improve writing skill as well as their language, grammar, spelling can also improve well. Students can share their study materials and assignments on it so other students from various branches can read. So through blogging students can be aware about the writing style as well as plagiarism. So using this platform which can reach to the global public all over the world.
G-mail is very primary need for all in the 21st century because in any official work or educational purpose G-mail account is required for communication.
By this platform students can enhanced their learning process. Through this medium to share some online discussion. News, contemporary issues, articles become very easy. For job, admission or other place it is needed.
This is directly connected with Blogger, when anything we published it directly shared on G+. Through this students and teacher can create Google group and discuses and sharing can be possible on it.
It is for presentation. Students can make presentation on it on any topic and shared publicly. Which is very beneficial also because after publishing students can get the result also that how many viewers of their presentation and how many people downloaded their presentation. So it is the good way to sharing knowledge with each other and learns something new.
You Tube:-
You Tube can help to enhance our horizon of knowledge. YouTube is an excellent option for flipped classrooms in that students can watch lectures and resources before entering the classroom. “From down loaders to upholders”. You Tube also do the wonderful work by presenting some unique programs on literature,Music,Dance-videos,lecture-series of Eminent personalities. It brings us to nature,forest,rivers,mountains,earth-quakes and what not!By doing so it educate us and we are benefited.
The best way to use Twitter for teaching is as a reminder to students that they need to complete an assignment for a particular due date or that they have an exam coming up soon so study this or that. Sometimes teachers even use it for inspiration by sending a famous quote. Very useful to know the news because now a day’s many political leaders or actors, sportsman twit time and again which is connected with contemporary issue. Twitter offers a quick way to post class announcements and reminders as well as real-time information on class field trips
Students love Instagram for so many reasons but mainly for the photos and effects available to them. Teachers can create assignments that tap into the need to Instagram such as photo essays where students take photos, upload, and add captions or students can even create campaigns for certain organizations or just for a lesson.(Chesser)
While acting as a professional social forum for employers to connect with applicants or search for potential employees, LinkedIn is used for so much more than that. Having students post professional resumes there and then contacting them about the job market and the business world around them keeps them in touch with reality and the endless possibilities through a targeted education. (Chesser)
Advantages of using social media in classroom:-
( 1 ) Communication:-
One study found social media makes more communication possible with classmates both in and out of the classroom. Communication increases between instructors and students through what’s up, FB and Twitter. It’s help to develop the communication skill also.
( 2 ) Active learning:-
Through the use of social media active learning can be done well. For example – blogs. Blogs found that students are actively learning when they write blogs and that blogs support self-expression and self-reflection.During writing on FB post or Twitter at that time student’s writing skill become very active because during writing students have to follow some rules of social media like on Twitter some limited words provide to express their views. So at that time creativity also increase in writing style.
( 3 ) Useful to learn Second language:-
Face book and Twitter are very helpful for second language learner, because on that platform students write post in English language and during conversation also dialogue can be done in English. So it helps a lot to improve L2 specially for second language learner.
All these-tools of social media are schools,universities without walls.They spread the thoughts,make people to know,to think,to judge and criticize or make them evaluating a particular issue.They all can change ,can shape the society with their tremendous capability to reach to the mass.People can easily assess these because of information Technology-advancement and this can make or mar us.
There is another side of it also .These tools can misguide,mislead a mass with their false,intentionally wrong,incomplete information or bias views can harm a person or a society at large at certain point.These companies have their own interest too.Some powerful agencies or political parties or a group of people can easily led away the people as we are very innocent -non-technologist people and sometime easily led away people.We soon trust the others without thinking,or verifying the comments .So many thefts ,misleading incidents,false propaganda and adverse remarks as well as FAKE NEWS can ruin a person,a society or a Nation.
Conclusion :-
So we need to be more careful,vigil and cautious to use these social Media-tools.They are attractive,easy to reach, new for us but one should be very careful,in utilizing the same. They can educate us provided we use them rightly and consciously.Otherwise they can harm us also we should keep this in mind,while using them.
Globalization and Information Technology have made the world like village! There are benefits of this and disadvantages of this too! But invention of Printing press and Railways broke the boundaries of information and time initially and there after rest is the history.
Works Cited
Chesser, Lisa. "25 Awesome Social Media Tools for Education."
"Face book Guide for Educaters ." n.d.
Wikipedia. 5 4 2018 <>.
Paper:Mass Communications and Media Studies
Roll No:
Topic : Social Media for Educational purpose
Submitted To: Department of English.
Media plays a vital role in today's world. Printing of Newspapers, Periodicals, Radio ,Television, Internet- computer, mobile etc. are very effectiveto make or mar the society, at large.All of these or any one of these can impress the people very silently and yet very effectively .
New generation of 21st century is very lucky that way.They can have so much of information from media that they get as much as they want from each and every corner of the world.But this also createshard task for them to get correct - unbiased - scintific, detailed information for their own-problem.Abudence of information - right or wrong, bias or unbiased- makes their task more difficult. Because false information, incomplete information, propaganda based information are making their choice more difficult. And yet information -technology is advancing by leaps and jumps !!
Ø What is Media?
Media is a Powerful weapon.It can easily impress the people and Society at large.Mainly there is 'Medium is the message'. We may understand the media process as shown below :
A person is giving a message to another person,and between two the message is communicated.The Decoding of message is very important.This decoding depends on medium/message and capability of the receiver.
Mobile and internet are very useful tools for connecting the people Age,Interest,qualification,familiarity and common subject etc also play the role but 3G,4G and Jio-have also played the part to popularize the social media.
Mostly the known and there after unknown but of same interest or of same group members share their views,make chats,opined on the particular issue and exchange the ideas.Some time they discussed the particular topic and thus they educate themselves.
Ø What is Social Media?
Whatsapp,Facebook,Twitter,YouTube etc are commonly used by the mobile-users and these are the tools which are educating the people if they are properly and thoughtfully used.
Face book :-
* What is Face book?
Face book is social utility that connects us with the people, brands and organization.
Face book as a tool for learning and teaching.
It is most visited and used platform of all are communicate and connect with friends, who work, study, live around them. Face book’s mission is to make world more open and connected. Face book is a vital tool for teaching and learning in the 21st century and making education more social. It can be a great tool for teachers for their professional development, providing a safe space for teacher to share their expertise and professional practice within and beyond the walls of the classroom. To use face book as a tool it require a huge potential for teaching and learning because the impact of the teachers and their professional practice is also highly significant. It provide virtual learning environment. (Face book Guide for Educators )
One of my Grand Father's Facebook Friend,regularly put a classical song or a famous filmy song based on Hindustani Raag.His Posts are full of authentic information about the Lyricist, musician , the film or the hero/heroin of the film.They are very interesting too.We may come to know about Film-History of the Indian Cinema.This is education .
Shri Tushar Shukla or Raksha Shukla and Kajal Oza Vaidhya Like Post-Literary Persons-oped our eyes with their fresh expressions and sound knowledge give us a new dimension to a issue.These are examples of imparting education. Some friends put their views in a debatable form.One friend give a weekly-sketch of a person-Generally a young one-less educated but yet with a skill and hard work.He shows us how they are shine out in real life.Another friends give the humorous touch and entertain us with their wisdom and originality.
1. Join Face book group
2. Using Face book groups to share knowledge among students.
3. Face book page for group project work.
4. Using Face book to make friends networking with alumni.
5. FB page to inspire in life skill subjects.
6. Setup event on Face book.
7. Language students can learn different language through group.
8. Collaborate with and learn from other teacher also.
9. Write academic posts with photos and videos
These are the few examples from different social-media-friends which help us to educate ourselves.We can like,can comment or can share them with others and by doing so we ourselves can learn,understand or have better judgement of it.This is Educating ourselves and imparting education to the society at large.
What’s up is another very useful and easy way to learning and teaching social medium. Through what’s up teacher and students can make a group in which they can share very current news, topic related video, G.K etc. Do some kind of project through this tool like project on speaking skill, that how students have fluency in speaking English language then make a group and through audio recorder option students can speak on any topic and then check. So this way some project work also can be done. Make some group only for education purpose and share the all information on it, so this way to share education become very easy to anywhere anytime.
Google Classroom:-
It is very unique classroom than the traditional classroom where teacher and students have to present on the same place while here teacher and students from different countries can connect easily and learn things from teacher. Students can also ask teacher if they have any queries in their mind and teacher also give the answers on this platform.
Blogger provide the big space to share our ideas, views any short or long creative or critical write up like poems, essays, movie or book or play reviews and many other things. It is like digital diary. Through this media we can improve writing skill as well as their language, grammar, spelling can also improve well. Students can share their study materials and assignments on it so other students from various branches can read. So through blogging students can be aware about the writing style as well as plagiarism. So using this platform which can reach to the global public all over the world.
G-mail is very primary need for all in the 21st century because in any official work or educational purpose G-mail account is required for communication.
By this platform students can enhanced their learning process. Through this medium to share some online discussion. News, contemporary issues, articles become very easy. For job, admission or other place it is needed.
This is directly connected with Blogger, when anything we published it directly shared on G+. Through this students and teacher can create Google group and discuses and sharing can be possible on it.
It is for presentation. Students can make presentation on it on any topic and shared publicly. Which is very beneficial also because after publishing students can get the result also that how many viewers of their presentation and how many people downloaded their presentation. So it is the good way to sharing knowledge with each other and learns something new.
You Tube:-
You Tube can help to enhance our horizon of knowledge. YouTube is an excellent option for flipped classrooms in that students can watch lectures and resources before entering the classroom. “From down loaders to upholders”. You Tube also do the wonderful work by presenting some unique programs on literature,Music,Dance-videos,lecture-series of Eminent personalities. It brings us to nature,forest,rivers,mountains,earth-quakes and what not!By doing so it educate us and we are benefited.
The best way to use Twitter for teaching is as a reminder to students that they need to complete an assignment for a particular due date or that they have an exam coming up soon so study this or that. Sometimes teachers even use it for inspiration by sending a famous quote. Very useful to know the news because now a day’s many political leaders or actors, sportsman twit time and again which is connected with contemporary issue. Twitter offers a quick way to post class announcements and reminders as well as real-time information on class field trips
Students love Instagram for so many reasons but mainly for the photos and effects available to them. Teachers can create assignments that tap into the need to Instagram such as photo essays where students take photos, upload, and add captions or students can even create campaigns for certain organizations or just for a lesson.(Chesser)
While acting as a professional social forum for employers to connect with applicants or search for potential employees, LinkedIn is used for so much more than that. Having students post professional resumes there and then contacting them about the job market and the business world around them keeps them in touch with reality and the endless possibilities through a targeted education. (Chesser)
Advantages of using social media in classroom:-
( 1 ) Communication:-
One study found social media makes more communication possible with classmates both in and out of the classroom. Communication increases between instructors and students through what’s up, FB and Twitter. It’s help to develop the communication skill also.
( 2 ) Active learning:-
Through the use of social media active learning can be done well. For example – blogs. Blogs found that students are actively learning when they write blogs and that blogs support self-expression and self-reflection.During writing on FB post or Twitter at that time student’s writing skill become very active because during writing students have to follow some rules of social media like on Twitter some limited words provide to express their views. So at that time creativity also increase in writing style.
( 3 ) Useful to learn Second language:-
Face book and Twitter are very helpful for second language learner, because on that platform students write post in English language and during conversation also dialogue can be done in English. So it helps a lot to improve L2 specially for second language learner.
All these-tools of social media are schools,universities without walls.They spread the thoughts,make people to know,to think,to judge and criticize or make them evaluating a particular issue.They all can change ,can shape the society with their tremendous capability to reach to the mass.People can easily assess these because of information Technology-advancement and this can make or mar us.
There is another side of it also .These tools can misguide,mislead a mass with their false,intentionally wrong,incomplete information or bias views can harm a person or a society at large at certain point.These companies have their own interest too.Some powerful agencies or political parties or a group of people can easily led away the people as we are very innocent -non-technologist people and sometime easily led away people.We soon trust the others without thinking,or verifying the comments .So many thefts ,misleading incidents,false propaganda and adverse remarks as well as FAKE NEWS can ruin a person,a society or a Nation.
Conclusion :-
So we need to be more careful,vigil and cautious to use these social Media-tools.They are attractive,easy to reach, new for us but one should be very careful,in utilizing the same. They can educate us provided we use them rightly and consciously.Otherwise they can harm us also we should keep this in mind,while using them.
Globalization and Information Technology have made the world like village! There are benefits of this and disadvantages of this too! But invention of Printing press and Railways broke the boundaries of information and time initially and there after rest is the history.
Works Cited
Chesser, Lisa. "25 Awesome Social Media Tools for Education."
"Face book Guide for Educaters ." n.d.
Wikipedia. 5 4 2018 <>.
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