S.T. Coleridge
Write in your words the difference between poem and prose. According to me the difference between poem and prose decide by use of language, use of words. Generally we differentiates the two form for one is in rhyme and other does not. Which is in rhyme that is poem and latter be considered as prose. But this is not true. It is quality of words and how one has used it, that makes the lines poem or prose. Metre or rhymes have no roll in this matter. Sometime when we are reading prose work and some lines comes, words automatically comes, oh! what a poetic lines. These words have been no rhyme, they have been written in deeper condition of mind. And if during reading rhymed poem if we don't feel certain feelings it is not poem at all. Because poet has to do adding and removing of the words and it reduces naturalness. While in writing prose we can write naturally as words come. But the use of words should be poetic. So, use of word...