Assignment 15

Name:Heerva Bhatt Paper:Mass Communications and Media Studies Roll No: Topic : Social Media for Educational purpose Submitted To: Department of English. Media plays a vital role in today's world. Printing of Newspapers, Periodicals, Radio ,Television, Internet- computer, mobile etc. are very effectiveto make or mar the society, at large.All of these or any one of these can impress the people very silently and yet very effectively . New generation of 21st century is very lucky that way.They can have so much of information from media that they get as much as they want from each and every corner of the world.But this also createshard task for them to get correct - unbiased - scintific, detailed information for their own-problem.Abudence of information - right or wrong, bias or unbiased- makes their task more difficult. Because false information, inco...